Our Services

What We Offer

Physical Therapy

We specialize in orthopedic injuries, strength and postural training, gait disorders, pain management, stroke, osteoporosis, arthritis, Parkinsons Disease, balance and vestibular rehab and TMJ disorders.

Massage Therapy - Massage Establishment License#MM35667

At M & M Bodyworks, we cater to your needs and advocate the therapeutic and stress relieving benefits of massage.

Michael Parsons, LMT, with more than 34 years of experience, specializes in Myofascial Release,  Deep Tissue Manual Therapy and Relaxation Massage.

Exercise is Medicine

Customized Exercise Programs for COPD, Congestive Heart Failure, Diabetes, Spinal Disorders, Back pain, Balance disorders, Parkinsons, Mulitple Sclerosis, Post hip, knee, ankle, shoulder injuries and fractures, osteoporosis, and arthritis.

MicroLight Laser

New Breakthrough Science for Quick Pain Relief and Healing!

ML830 DC Laser System,  Non-Invasive, Athermal Low Level. Energy Infrared Laser.

Other Services That We Provide


M&M Bodyworks offers personalized Pilates Sessions. Pilates is a form of exercise that promotes physical strength, balance, improved coordination and posture. Pilates develops every aspect of physical fitness: strength, flexibility, coordination, speed, agility and endurance.

Our Pilates program is customized for individual needs whether to just keep in shape or for rehabilitation. Pilates for Rehabilitation uses specific exercise protocols to treat various disorders and diseases.
Pilate’s equipment at M & M Bodyworks includes: The Allegro Tower of Power (Reformer) Wunda Chair, Ladder Barrel, Pilates Arc, Rollers and Exercise Balls.

Our Office

Laser Therapy

We are certified in low-level laser therapy using the Erchonia Laser for the treatment of pain and inflammation.

Erchonia’s low-laser therapy made history when it became the first to receive FDA approval for the treatment of chronic pain. At M & M, we use the PL 5000, the most advanced laser on the market.

Studies have shown the laser increases circulation of musculoskeletal tissue, enhance tissue regeneration and decreases pain and inflammation while increasing ROM.

Exercise for Seniors

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that about 3/4 of older adults are sedentary.

Starting at about age 40, we lose one percent of our muscle mass each year. That accelerates to 1.5 percent at age 60. By the time we are 80, we are half as strong as we should be. This results in a condition called SARCOPENIA or age-related muscle wasting.

Seniors can improve their muscle strength from 48% to 100%. By improving Sarcopenia, they also improve bone mineral density and cognitive decline, decrease falls and obesity, improve their glucose metabolism, decrease hypertension and diabetes, and improve their ability to walk.

Fall Prevention

Every year, falls kill 10,000 seniors across the country and sends 30,000 elderly Floridians to the hospital according to the Florida Department of Elder Affairs. Half of the seniors hospitalized for hip fractures, usually because of falls, can never return home or live independently. Exercise can offset the natural aging process in which the body loses about one percent of muscle mass every year after age 30.

Seniors can safely lift weights and even light lifting strengthens the heart, lungs, bones and muscles, and keeps people living independently.

Personal Training

Are you tired of sacrifice and effort yielding no results? Take control of your fitness and health?

Put effective exercise in your future under the close guidance of a real fitness expert. Michael Parsons, LMT, has more than 30 years of experience in creating programs to help you burn calories and build muscle.

As a highly qualified personal trainer and former heavyweight Mr. Florida, Michael Parsons can help you achieve your fitness goals as quickly as your genetic potential allows, with a personalized program designed just for you. You provide the effort and consistency and together, we will get the results you’ve always wanted!

His Biceps

Anodyne Therapy

M & M Bodyworks is an Anodyne Neuropathy Care Center.
Anodyne therapy is infrared light therapy that emits monochromatic infrared photo energy to substantially increase local circulation and temporarily reduce pain. Anodyne has been designed to maximize the effectiveness of infrared photo energy using highly efficient light emitting diodes (LEDS) placed in direct skin contact.

Anodyne Therapy is used to treat peripheral neuropathy of the hands and feet. More than 3,300 subjects in 5 clinical studies have demonstrated pain improvements up to 67% after treatment with Anodyne Therapy.

Peripheral Neuropathy is a painful, debilitating condition that is caused by damage to the peripheral nervous system – the complex web of nerves that connect the central nervous system to the rest of the body. Twenty million people in the U.S. have peripheral neuropathy of which 13.8 million people are diabetic. Symptoms include: burning, tingling, numbness, sleepless nights, weakness and difficulty walking. Causes of Peripheral Neuropathy includes: diabetes, hypothyroidism, chemotherapy, drug, alcohol abuse and physical trauma.

M & M Bodyworks first assesses the functional limitations that the patient is  experiencing, and how it affects their lives. A comprehensive therapy program is then designed to help them reach their personal goals. Our treatment plan usually involves 10 to 20 sessions.

Therapy may Include: Anodyne Therapy to reduce pain and increase circulation to impaired tissues and nerves, stretching and strengthening exercises, dynamic and static balance exercises, massage and the use of other therapeutic modalities for pain, sensory integrative techniques to put it all together.