Losing weight and/or maintaining your ideal weight is very simple. Diets don’t work and most of the time they don’t give lasting results. The only thing that works is a CHANGE IN LIFESTYLE AND HABITS. The key is discipline, self-control and creating good habits. Once an action becomes a habit, then you are more likely to repeat that action every day; it becomes a natural action.
The incredible egg
Eggs are the perfect food and so easy to prepare. Here are some facts: One egg has only 70 calories. It has 13 essential vitamins and minerals, 6 grams of high quality protein and all 9 essential amino acids, and 5 grams of fat. The white of the egg contains 60% of the egg’s total protein, with the remaining 40% in the yolk. Most of the vitamins and minerals in an egg are lost if the yolk is discarded.