The Core

The Diaphragm is the primary muscle used in respiration and plays a vital role in the breathing process. It separates the chest from the abdomen, and proper use of the diaphragm helps to maintain good posture and a flat abdomen. MINOR CORE MUSCLES: Glutes, Latissimus Dorsi and Trapezius


Crunches and sit-ups alone will not flatten the stomach. Pelvic Floor Exercises along with core exercises form a good base for flatter abs. Couple the P2C2 workout with a low impact interval exercise program to help reduce body fat (including fat around the abdomen). The P2C2 workout can be used as an interval program by using stop and start on the Video portion.

The Core is a complex group of muscles, excluding arms and legs, and is incorporated into almost every movement of the human body. The Core acts as a stabilizer and a force transfer center. It stabilizes the thorax and the pelvis during dynamic movements. Core muscles align the spine, ribs and pelvis.

Spinal Stabilization or Core Stabilization refers to a stable spine with no movement, while the rest of the body moves. This decreases the risk of spinal/muscle injures and pain.

The Core Muscles

Pelvic Floor Muscles – eg. Cocygeus, Levator Ani – THE BASE OF YOUR CORE.
Transverse Abdomnius (the deep stabilizer of the lumbar spine and pelvis), Rectus Abdominus, Multifidus, Internal and External Obliques, Erector Spine Muscles (Back)

The Diaphragm

Minor Core Muscles: Glutes, Latissimus Dorsi, Trapezius

Fact: Our bodies do not need most of the food that we put in our mouths, so we end up storing it as fat. Basically, here in America, we eat too much, especially way too much carbohydrates.

Suggestions: Eat 4-5 small meals per day…eating every 2 and a half to 3 hours…never allow yourself to go so hungry that you feel like you are starving…this only slows your metabolism, drops your blood sugar, causes low energy and tempts you to over-eat.

Try not to eat after 6 pm..avoid sugar, sauces, fruit juices (eat the fruit instead – it is more filling and you get the fiber, avoid food packaged in a box, drink half  your body weight in ounces of water a day, easy on the butter, desserts add unnecessary calories and we don’t need them every day.
Find a chart of the foods that have healthy fats, and low sugar content…
Eat some protein at every meal.. It is more filling and your muscles need the amino acids for healthy growth.
Portion control is the key….

Guidelines: use a small side plate…. and eat just enough to satisfy your hunger – well-balanced meal of protein, fats and carbohydrates.

Sample portions: 4 oz lean meat, fish, chicken or egg, one fruit, ¼ cup to ½ cup of rice, potato,  or pasta, ½ cup vegetable, 4-6 nuts,No more than one slice of bread per day, a low sugar protein shake mixed with a small piece of fruit is an ideal meal replacement

Follow this strict plan for 6 days per week and, if you need to, take one day to relax and indulge..JUST ONE  DAY PER WEEK…eat that dessert you have been craving, the must have pizza, and anything your heart desires…but…the next day….back to sensible eating…one day off will not affect your weight maintenance or weight-loss.

About me

With more than 43 years of experience as a registered Physical Therapist, 

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