The Core

The Diaphragm is the primary muscle used in respiration and plays a vital role in the breathing process. It separates the chest from the abdomen, and proper use of the diaphragm helps to maintain good posture and a flat abdomen. MINOR CORE MUSCLES: Glutes, Latissimus Dorsi and Trapezius HOW DO WE GET A FLAT ABDOMEN? […]

Instructions For Posture During Exercises

Rib Cage Placement during the exercises:Ribs in Neutral Position (draw the 2 sides of the rib cage in toward each other). This completes the line of stability upwards from the core muscles and the lower back. Whenever lifting the upper trunk upward from the mat, always begin with slight cervical (neck) flexion in order to […]

Posture And Alignment

Posture: Alignment of the Head, neck, scapular rib cage placement and pelvic placement. Pelvis in Neutral. Aim knee over 2nd toe. Lengthen the spine, pulling head towards the ceiling. Shoulders retracted (shoulder blades pulled down the back – keeping the shoulders away from the ears – connect the little finger to the lateral shoulder blade). Widen […]

Breathing Retraining

Purpose: To improve body O2 during automatic activity. The Diaphragm is the most efficient muscle for breathing and can be used to help postural stability. Observe how you breathe – are you an abdominal breather or a chest breather? Chest breathing or shallow breathing lowers exercise performance because shallow breaths need more breaths to get more […]

Pelvic Floor Muscle Contraction

Relax the muscles of the thighs, tummy and buttocks. Squeeze the muscles around the floor of the front passage as if trying to stop the flow of urine. Squeeze the muscles around the vagina and suck upwards inside the pelvis. Squeeze the muscles around the back passage as if trying to stop wind. Squeeze up […]

P2C2 Workout – The Why and the How

Head and Neck Position: Pelvic Floor Muscle Contractions improve bladder and bowel control and helps to reduce the risk of organ prolapse (in other words they help to hold your internal organs up). The Pelvic Floor Muscles work with the diaphragm and abdominal/back muscles during exercises. Pelvic Floor Muscle contraction should be performed during P2C2 […]

Posture Pelvic Core Conditioning – (P2c2 Program)

Flabby thighs?  Pelvic floor dysfunction?  Stress incontinence?  Drooping buttocks?   Protruding Stomach? Core and pelvic floor conditioning and strengthening “A tighter pelvic floor gives you a flatter tummy.” What is the Pelvic Floor? The pelvic floor is the base of the Core Muscles. The pelvic floor muscles located in the pelvis, stretch like a hammock from […]