P2C2 Workout – The Why and the How

Head and Neck Position:

Pelvic Floor Muscle Contractions improve bladder and bowel control and helps to reduce the risk of organ prolapse (in other words they help to hold your internal organs up). The Pelvic Floor Muscles work with the diaphragm and abdominal/back muscles during exercises. Pelvic Floor Muscle contraction should be performed during P2C2 exercises to prevent damage to the pelvic floor during incidents of high intra-abdominal pressure during the exercises. (Before all core exercises, squeeze the pelvic floor, as if shutting off the flow of urine and gently pull upward).

Pelvic Posture Core Conditioning – P2C2 workout incorporates all the Core and Pelvic Floor muscles to strengthen and lengthen the body. The Exercises are in short segments and can also be used for interval training in 1-2 min. segments with stop and start feature, to help stimulate metabolism.

P2C2 Workout is ideal for prevention of injury, and for those who are suffering from lumbar and pelvic instability. An unstable pelvis and lumbar sacral spine leads to injuries when reaching forward, bending, twisting and lifting. Weak core muscles can cause low back pain as weak muscles and an unstable spine, coupled with poor core (trunk) control, causes unwanted movement of the trunk during daily work and recreational activities. These compensatory movements place a greater strain on the trunk and back muscles, which can lead to prolonged straining of the muscles with the end result being, chronic low back pain or spinal, muscle and ligamentous injuries.

P2C2 Workout is a fast and intense workout. The Butt and Legs section completes 96 Butt Lifts and 80 lunges all within 5 mins., 85 squats in 7 mins, 76 crunches in 5 minute workout  and 178 waist-blasting movements (obliques) within the 7 minute workout.

It is important to master the correct techniques for Postural Alignment, proper breathing, pelvic floor muscle contractions and the proper form for all the exercises before trying the full Video Program. The exercises in the video move fast in order to keep up with the music and make it fun. Feel free to stop the video and do additional repetitions of certain exercises that you may feel that you are weak in, or to prolong a stretch that you need for extra tight areas of your body.

All the exercises can be modified for all ability levels, so keep your eye on Diane, who will be demonstrating an easier form or modification of some of the exercises.

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With more than 43 years of experience as a registered Physical Therapist, 

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